Thursday, September 1, 2016


This is the blog we will be using as a class to share the wealth about our work and to help us all keep up to date. The goal is to make it useful, informative, creative and fun. Videos, pictures or drawings from class, the internet or anywhere are welcome. For example:

As described in the syllabus, each of you will contribute to this blog at least twice a quarter. Good sources for entries include the problem posted for you to work at the beginning of class, a homework or quiz problem that we review in class or descriptions of lab work or demonstrations we do in class. Other great options include news items about new advances in physics, applied physics or other cool physics related items.

The rest of us are responsible for fact checking each entry, asking questions about it, adding additional comments or otherwise advancing the conversation. At the end of each cycle, I will review all of the entries as well as your additional comments for your communications grade.

That said, don't worry about mistakes. We're all here to learn.

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