Tuesday, May 2, 2017

March for science

Recently there was a march for science. Motto: "the rally will be a call for politicians to implement science based policies, as well as a public celebration of science and the enormous public service it provides in our democracy, our economy, and our daily lives." It is a political event, a call to incorporate science into public policy and fund basic research, but it's a non-partisan event as well. No matter what your political affiliation is, government policies grounded in fact should be something we can all agree on.

This march was a series of rallies that took place in different states and countries around the world. This rally supported science and evidence based research. People were mostly mad about Trumps threats for budget cuts in the defunding of the work of scientist. Some of the topics they talked about were climate change,  the suppression of science, having clean water, and reliable/accessible electricity. 

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