Sunday, November 27, 2016

Fire Lasers: The New Christmas Lights

Laser Christmas Lights 

Traditional Christmas lights may look very pretty, but set up can be a hassle. Christmas lights can now be set up using lasers. Instillation is simply sticking a small device in the yard.

Laser Christmas Lights                                       Traditional Christmas Lights 

How Does One Laser Create Multiple Spots?


When a wave passes through an opening, it re-radiates. This is called diffraction. This is not noticeable if the wavelength is the same size as the opening. You get noticeable effects if the size of the opening is similar to the size of the wavelength that you want to show.


Interference is the result of two waves from different sources at the same place and time. If both have the same peaks in the same spots then same amplitude will add together, creating one wave with twice the amplitude (Constructive Interference). Another type of interference is called destructive interference, this happens when the peaks of the waves do not happen at the same spot. The example of destruction interference is impossible because two waves to come from different locations at some point in space is impossible.

Constructive Interference 

Destructive Interference 

Diffraction Grating

Diffraction grating is accomplished by a series of tiny holes on a glass plate. When light is placed on this glass plate, the light will diffract in a way that they will expand when they go out the holes. The light will be seen as different rays of light. By changing the angle that light comes out of the slits, you can get different path length differences.


In simplistic terms, when a single wavelength of light is shown through multiple slits it creates the multiple laser dots you see on your house or trees or whatever you direct the laser on. This is how the Christmas lights are created through lasers.

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