Friday, November 25, 2016

World's Smallest Magnifying Glass

Researchers at the University of Cambridge have created a magnifying glass which has the ability to focus light in on single atoms, which is about a billion times more tightly than my other magnifying glasses.

This amazing feat was accomplished by researchers from Cambridge who partnered with researchers from Spain. They were able to use conductive gold nanoparticles to create an ex,trembly small optical cavity that was only large enough to include a single molecule. Then, they were able to confine light to less than a billionth of a meter in order to view the atom. According to Felix Bemz, the lead researcher, the researchers "had to cool our samples to -260°C in order to freeze the scurrying gold atoms,". This amazing discovery should allow scientists to open a whole new door into the world of catalysts chemical reactions. It will also allow them to build larger molecules out of smaller atoms, and also have a much better understanding of certain molecules as a whole. This is an amazing discovery and will push Chemistry and physics into a whole new direction.

Peyton Phillips

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