Monday, November 21, 2016

The physics behind a hockey shot 🏒

Hockey shots can hit speeds of over 100 miles an hour. The reason why they are able to go so quick is thanks to the flex technologie behind the hockey stick. These sticks are made of carbon fibre which have the capability to flex itself. The way you use it is by flexing the stick by putting a certain weight on it and when you release that weight, the stick comes back to its original form with an incredibly fast speed. That movement by the stick lets the puck fly at such a speed. 

They make hockey sticks with a different ability to flex to be able to fit people of all ages and strengths. The stiffer the stick is, the more it has an ability to come back to it's original form faster. In consequence, the stronger you are, the faster your shot is. (Shea Weber, the player with the fastest shot, is Canadien and play for Montreal. He has a shot of 108 mph!)

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