Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Universe doesn't follow the rules.

According to Newton's law, and object in motion remains in motion at the same speed and direction until acted upon by an outside force. We know on Earth, when you through a ball, it will slow down and fall due to friction and gravity. Even in our solar system, planets' rotation and spin are affected by gravity and different objects that could affect them. But the Universe doesn't follow the rules...

The Big Bang was a giant cosmic explosion that sent debris (planets, stars, dust) flying in all directions. Because this debris weighs so much, you would think that it would eventually start to slow down as it is affected by gravity and outside forces right? Wrong.

As a matter of fact, its the exact opposite, the expansion of our universe is actually speeding up. This is due to Dark Energy. Dark Energy is a widely accepted theory that describes a force that repels the effects of gravity. Predictions show that about 73% of the universe is made up of this substance. This was discovered by studying the light from distant supernovae, astronomers saw
that the supernovae's host galaxies are flying away from each other at increasing speed. This discovery disproved the popular belief that the universe was slowing down.

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