Monday, October 3, 2016

Black Holes

Black Holes

Are Black Holes Really Black

So basically a black hole is a place in space where the gravity is so strong that even light can't escape it. According to most sites and scientists, they are invisible to a human eye because no light is able to escape. According to "The Telegraph", black holes are extremely dark, but they are not exactly "Black". They submit a little glow which is visible by a human eye. This radiation is called  the "Hawking Radiation". On top of that, the smaller they are, the faster they radiate light.

How Big Are Black Holes

Black holes can be big or small. According to scientists, black holes can be as small as a atom but with the mass of a mountain. Black holes can also be 20 times the size of the sun. Those are called "stellar". The biggest black hole is approximately the size of ONE MILLION suns combined! They are called "Supermassive"

How Are Black Holes Formed

Black holes are form after the explosion of a star this phenomena is called a super nova. Some scientists say that some of them are form during the creation of our universe. 

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