Each electronic device contains nanoscale metals that conduct electricity throughout each device. The electricity moves through the metals by the quantum-mechanical effect of tunneling. Tunneling is when electrons move through energy barriers towards nanoscale metals to prevent conduction. This process happens when electrons move from the electrode, which is connected to a voltage source, and then continue moving from nanoparticle to nanoparticle; as well as transcending the gaps between the particles.
Senior Lecturer from the NSC Jussi Toppari states that "Such single-electron devices have been fabricated within the scale of tens of nanometres by using conventional micro- and nanofabrication methods for more than two decades,". Toppari has actually been studying the properties of single-electron devices while trying to get his PhD. His findings have concluded that these nano-sized metals need freezing temperatures in order to function properly. He also states that conventional nanofabrication methods haven't been able to produce a nanomaerital that can operate at room temperature. The devices we use in our everyday lives need to be operational in the climate we live in or else they would be completely irrelevant. In order for a new nanomaterial to be found, other methods need to be tested. This is where the fabrication of these materials comes into play.
The fabrication of nanomaterials has been an objective of NSC for a long time. They currently have nanomaterials that can operate at room temperature. Kosti Tapio, a researcher at NSC, explains how "After fabrication, the nanoparticles float in an aqueous solution and need to be organized into the desired form and connected to the auxiliary circuitry... DNA-based self-assembly together with its ability to be linked with nanoparticles offer a very suitable toolkit for this purpose."
So how does DNA actually play into this? Well, the reason DNA is being used in these experiments is because it is a self assembling structure that acts as a platform for the nanometal, or gold in this case. DNA has been tested for this role and has shown that it is a vital part to single-electron devices. The metal is directly attached to the DNA within the aqueous solution. Associate Professor Vesa Hytönen looks optimistically at this finding, stating "The superior self-assembly properties of the DNA, together with its mature fabrication and modification techniques, offer a vast variety of possibilities,". Through these findings is has been concluded that by fabricating nanomaterials and the discovery of DNA as a suportive structure more single-electron devices will be made to withstand room temperature.
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