Friday, October 28, 2016

How to make Cheese


CHEESE IS NOT just food, it’s a variety show. The multitude of aromas, flavors, and textures found in cheeses throughout the world is more than we encounter with any other food. It comes in hundreds of varieties; even within a variety, differences are noticeable. And it’s a food that provides nutrition in the form of vitamins, minerals, and a high-quality source of protein that can be kept for months.
The science behind the transformation from plants to milk to cheese is amazing. In fact, cheese has much in common with wine and beer: They result from fermentation by microorganisms; they are “value-added” products where processing greatly increases the value; and they reflect local climate and terrain. Cheese has fascinated humanity for a long time, inspiring people to refer to it as everything from “the wine of foods” 

The production of cheese predates recorded history. Its origin is assumed to lie in the practice of transporting milk in bladders made of ruminants' stomachs, with their inherent supply of rennet. There is no conclusive evidence indicating where cheese-making originated, either in Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, or Sahara. Cheese-making was known in Europe at the earliest level of Hellenic myth and, according to Pliny the Elder, had become a sophisticated enterprise by the time ancient Rome came into being, when valued foreign cheeses were transported to Rome to satisfy the tastes of the social elite.GIB 제공

The most basic principle of making cheese is to put the acid such as lemon and vinegar in milk to quickly solidify. Unlike eggs or meat, milk does not change much when heated. It's because milk contains a lot of casein protein compared to other meats. Casein does not clot when it is heated, but acidity hardens like a jelly. In milk, casein is four times more than other proteins.


Studies have shown that color — more so than labeling and even actual taste — affects our expectations and perceptions of food flavor, and cheese is no exception. Even though the fat contents and flavors in orange and yellow cheddar are identical, some people perceive the former to be richer than the latter.
Annatto is what gives cheese an orange or more pronounced yellow color. It comes from the achiote (Bixa orellana) tree found in Mexico, the Caribbean, and the western portion of South America. Annatto’s major component bixin and much of its molecular structure is similar to that of β-carotene, the compound that gives carrots their orange color. Cows transfer carotenoids (β-carotene and related compounds) from their diet to the milk, where they bind to the fat. This yellow color is not visible since the fat content of milk is less than 4% and the carotenoid concentration less than 0.1%, and the fat globules are surrounded by casein. But most of the whey is lost during cheesemaking, causing the fat and carotenoid contents to increase, and the casein network to loosen up — revealing the fat so the resulting cheese takes on a yellow color.
Goats, sheep, and water buffalo do not pass carotenoids to milk (converting it to vitamin A instead), so their cheese is white. The additive for white cheese such as mozzarella is titanium dioxide — a mineral commonly added to toothpaste — which masks color. Other cheese additives that bleach color are hydrogen peroxide and benzoyl peroxide.


That is the strangest question I have ever been asked about cheese — and it’s been asked several times. Breast-feeding mothers often have milk left over, and people sometimes wonder what can be done with it. Perhaps make some sort of cheese from it?
But the answer is no, because the milk won’t coagulate properly. Breast milk alone can’t be made into cheese because it contains too little protein (only 1%), and only some of the protein is casein. In early lactation, 90% of the proteins are whey proteins, decreasing to 50% in late lactation. Research in our laboratory some years ago demonstrated that human milk will not form a curd.

Joohee Lee


3-D Print a Tiny Universe

   Physicists make it possible to 3-D print your own baby universe
The Cosmic Microwave Background or CMB is the glow the universe have been emitting in the microwave range. Scientist have mapped this when it became visible instead of a fog of plasma radiation.The CMB formed when the universe was 380,000, which makes it the oldest light in the universe.
A satellite in space is making very detailed maps of the CMB, which gives astronomers clues to the early universe. Unfortunately in this case, the more detailed they become the hard it becomes to read the maps. The more detailed they become the harder it becomes to make them on a flat surface because the detailed maps are easily distorted.
To figure out an easier way to read them, Dr Dave Clements from the Department of Physics at Imperial, and two final-year undergraduate students in Physics, have created the plans for 3D printing the CMB. A paper describing the process is published today in the European Journal of Physics.
The reason they chose a 3-Dmodel is because it brings in that extra sense of touch, you can feel the lumps which represtent heat, which makes it easier to desifer where the hot and cold spots are.
To learn about the process you could watch this video:

How do Birds Plundge into Water at High Speeds

How do birds dive safely at high speeds? New research explains.

Some birds,to surprise their prey, have to travel into the water at speeds up to 50mph.  Virginia Tech helps explain how the birds manage these high speed dives. "We were interested in what happens when objects plunge into water, so we looked for examples in nature; the gannets are incredible," said Sunny Jung, an associate professor of biomedical engineering and mechanics in the College of Engineering and an expert in fluid biomechanics.
 Their analysis revealed that the transition from stability to buckling depends on the geometry of the head, the material properties of the neck, and the impact speed; at typical gannet diving speeds, the birds' narrow, pointed beak and neck length kept the drag force in a safe range. "What we found is that the gannet has a certain head shape, which reduces the drag compared to other birds in the same family," Jung said.  They also discovered that right before the birds enter the water, the bird will contact its neck, and as it hits the water, straighten it out with all of its force.This assist in a straight entry and protects the neck.
They then relate this to humans. Humans cannot survive an impact like this because we were not built for it. Our bodies do not contact and we do not have the arrow dynamics like the bids do.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Physics in 'Walking Dead'


Have you ever watched the "Walking Dead"? It is a famous TV show in America.
Portrays life in the weeks and months following a zombie apocalypse. Led by police officer Rick Grimes, his family and a group of other survivors find themselves constantly on the move in search of a safe and secure home. You can see many different survival skills in this show, many of them are related to basic physics.  Today, I'd like to introuduce one of them.

  In Episode 5, people found a fire truck when they were attacked by zombies. Then  a scientist used the fire truck water hose to fight them. He beat all zombies with water hose.  Zombie's heads were crushed by the water. How is this possible? How powerful is the fire truck water hose?

A fire hose is a high-pressure hose that carries water or other fire retardant (such as foam) to a fire to extinguish it. Outdoors, it attaches either to a fire engine or a fire hydrant. Indoors, it can permanently attach to a building's standpipe or plumbing system.
The usual working pressure of a firehose can vary between 8 and 20 bar (800 and 2,000 kPa; 116 and 290 psi) while its bursting pressure can be up to 83 bar (8,300 kPa; 1,204 psi).
It is more than pressure of  Natural gas pipelines: 800–1000 psig.

Can the water pressure from a fire hose powerful enough to stop a bullet?

 Yes, and you wouldn't need much water either, or for it to be moving very fast. Water is very good at slowing down very fast moving objects, much more so than air. The water that comes out of the hose may be moving fast for a person, 30-80 miles per hour, but this is very slow in comparison to the bullet, which will be travelling at ~880 mph. The speed of the bullet will vary far more than the speed of the water. So to estimate just look at how fast bullets are stopped by still water. A 9mm full metal jacket will only penetrate between 1 - 2 feet of water before coming to a rest.
So, if you are shooting the bullet into the on coming water from a fire truck the bullet will be easily stopped. However if you shoot at a 90 deg angle to the spray it will be deflected, but will still retain some of its momentum.
 For practical demos of similar things I suggest checking out box O'Truth. Which is just many tests of bullets vs. water and walls.
Based on what people said below I think the part of it not being all water is the closest. An assumption of 1-2 feet might be too optimistic. However I think you could use the radius2 of the water where you hit the stream, vs the radius2 of the water as it exits the hose as a good assumption of the water vs air ratio. This would require someone with a bit more knowledge of how water in a jet moves unconstrained though the air. However I think the point remains that the bullet would be easily stopped within a few feet, so long as it didn't leave the stream at a strange angle.

Joohee Lee

Golden circle of Physics

Name : Colin Wang 

Period : G 

                                      Golden circle of physics 

     Here , There is no need to talk about the principles of Physics , and There is no need to talk about the report 

of Physics observation . Because that is something that everyone would be able now form internet , class and 

books .  
  More , There is need to connect the Physics with other things to find out what truly Physics mean to you . So 

what is the other things ? 

     The Golden circle : This is a circle which is used more in business model . For example If there  is a computer company , and we all 

want to make it well .  The first thing that is needed to be considered is Why  this company exists  , and what we want people know 

about us . Because This is a very noisy world , and most of the company does not get a chance to let people remember them . So We 

have to make sure what we want people to know about our company and speak it loud .that is the core of the company , a core of 

golden circle of this computer company - We do not believe in the status quo , We want to express people’s life in richer way , We 

want to make the meaningful design to inspire more people “ - the Core value of the company . 
  So Does It has something to do with physics ?  If people think in the way of golden circle and find out the true reason why they study 

Physics . It would be more profound and more meaningful at the beginning of Physics learning .  
  In personal view , Physics is not a subject . It is a tool . It is a tool for life . It is a tool for making new things exist . and the reason why 

I learn it is to know more about principles of how things work and the phenomenon of how thing acts Therefore I could make the ideas 

more reasonable . that is what interested me most . 

     Learning physics is important . but knowing why you learn it is more important , Because the beginning mind would lead you to the 

way you really want . 


 Name: Colin Wang 
Period : G 

                                  Physics could rich our life in certain way 

           First of all, Physics is a subject of natural science .It mainly 

focuses on the study of substances , energy , space , time , and especially the relationship between

 them . 

        How does  Physics rich our life in certain way ? In personal point of view , One of the most 

advanced and important way to rich people’s life is to invent things and inspire people into richer 

way by the things that which is been invented . For instance , The Airplane. Before the Air plane was 

first invented  . Some of people were dreaming about fling in the air , and rest of them were laughing 

at people with this kind of crazy thoughts . Certainly Mr wright built the first air machine that could 

actually fly . It is associated with some of the Physics principles - The bottom of airplane wings is 

designed to be more smooth , but on the top side of the wings are designed to be more curved . The 

reason for that is When the air is passing by the wings. The travel distance on the top side is longer 

than the bottom side because of the curved design , therefore the air speed on the top is faster than the 

air speed on the bottom .when the air goes faster ,The pressure on the top side is going to be way 

smaller than on the bottom side . Thus the airplane is pushed up - These Physics principles once 

helped people achieving their dream , and people who do not believe them got inspired , and got the 

new thought . 

Physics is more like a tool . A tool to help people achieve the ideas , A tool to help people to invent , 

and certainly a tool to help people to inspire the rest of us .


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Hard Crash-Landing May Have Wrecked Europe's Mars Probe

Gabriella Pedro 
Physics .1 Per. G
25 October 2016
Blog Post #2

Hard Crash-Landing May have Wrecked Europe's Mars Probe 

Scientists say that Europe's experimental Mars probe named Schiaparelli has hit the right spot but may have been destroyed in a fiery ball of rocket fuel because it was traveling too fast. The European Space Agency states that the probe dropped from a height of 2 to 4 kilometers (1.4 miles to 2.4 miles) and struck the surface at a speed exceeding 300 kph. (186 mph). 

Photos show European Mars probe crashed, may have exploded
This is the Schiaparelli model- the mars landing device. Schiaparelli was mainly designed to test technology for a more ambitious European Mars landing in 2020. Although it was used for other purposes including; to take  images of Mars and conduct scientific measurements on the surface. The European Space Agency said the probe's mother ship was successfully placed into orbit Wednesday and soon will begin analyzing the Martian atmosphere in search for evidence of life.

Europe Mars Landing
 The European Space Agency says that this picture is taken by NASA satellite, it shows a black spot where the Schiaparelli lander was meant to touch down on Wednesday, October, 19th.

Photos show European Mars probe crashed, may have exploded
This image annotated on October 20th 2016 shows a spot that indicates  the landing sit of the Schiaparelli model. 
Fun Facts: 
  1. There have only been seven successful robotic landings on Mars, all by NASA. The last landing was in 2012, when the Curiosity rover touched down in a Martian crater.
  2. Landing on Mars is notoriously difficult because of the planet’s thin, dusty atmosphere. Inbound spacecraft hit the atmosphere at 12,000 mph (19,300 kph) and have only minutes to slow down and land.
  3. With the loss of Schiaparelli, only two spacecraft are currently roaming the Martian surface. 

New Hologram News

Holograms can now be produced with neutrons:

  • As of today, October 20th 2016, Scientists have now discovered that holograms can be produced using neutron beams.
  • Scientists working as NIST have gone out with the old ways and are implementing the use of neutron beams to be able to see the inside of a hologram.
  • The old way; shinning lasers at an object with a visual of how the light waves interact with each other; did not allow observers to see the inside of the 3D -shape/ hologram.
  •  These scientists created a way to alter neutron beams to give off a better visual aspect to observers. They did this by creating a device that twists the neutron beams and alters them to give off a brilliant visual aspect. They call this device and piece of technology the spiral plate.
  • Although this discovery is not ground-breaking or life-changing, it will be a very important aid to scientists when the discover and observe solid objects. Although neutron beams are quite useful for other things like penetrating metal and solid object not many people know or thought that a neutron beam can now be used to discover and observe the hidden inside of solid objects. This discovery was just made today and it is exciting to see what it will bring about and the further discoveries it will conquer! 
Move over, lasers: Scientists can now create holograms from neutrons, too

Motion/Kinematics Blog

    Over the past few weeks our physics class has been taught how to find the velocity, the displacement, the distance, and the acceleration of moving objects. We have practiced finding these values by doing word problems and labs. We were taught the 5 basic equations to help find any value in a kinematics problem. 

5 Equations for Kinematics Problems:
  1. Vf= Vi + at 
  2. Delta X = 1/2(at)^2+ Vit
  3. Vf^2 = Vi^2 + 2a(delta X) 
  4. Delta X= 1/2(Vi+Vf)(t)
  5. Delta X=Vf(t)- 1/2(at)^2 
     With these equations our class together, and as individuals, have solved kinematics words problems. Using these equations and others, our class conducted two labs to put them to the test. In the first class we found the velocity of a car by graphing the distance and time. In the second lab we took a video of a ball dropping a certain amount of meters and plugged into into the tracker software to make a graph. With the second lab we were taught how velocity and acceleration change when and object falls. These labs and kinematic word problems are certainly a part of our world today. Physics applies to just about every moving part, object, or thing that exists on this earth. The speed, acceleration, and velocity of moving objects are often very important factors to real world problems.

The Science Behind Boxing: 

In this video the speed and velocity of this pro-boxer is discussed and analyzed. It is then compared to the speed of a deadly snake and  the worlds fastest cars. This video shows how the science and physics being the speed of a human punch is actually quite important when it comes to boxing. 

Saturday, October 22, 2016

The Physics of Sailing

The Physics of Sailing

Sailing downwind
  • When the wind blows into the sails and pushes against them, it moves the boat forward.
  • The wind is faster than the boat so the air is decelerated by the sails.
  • While the sails push backwards against the wind, the wind pushes forward on the sails.
  • Which means you can never sail faster than the wind.
  • According to the laws of force, it is easier to go with the wind pushing on your back.
  • The wind usually pushes you in the direction it is going.

Sailing directly upwind
  • Boats can sail at say 40° to the wind and by taking
  • Sailboats can sail in any direction that is greater than 45 degrees with respect to the wind.
  • Initial velocity and final velocity, which are given with respect to the boat.
  • The change of velocity dv is in the direction shown.
  • The acceleration of the air is dv/dt, so the force which is the air that the sails exert in the same direction.
  • Newton's first and second laws: F = ma.
  • The force that the wind exerts on the sails is in the opposite direction.
  • There is also something going on called the Bernoulli effect, which contributes to the force as well.
  • The wind fills the sail into the shape of a wing
  • The sail is held fast at both ends so the wind can't push it out of the way.
  • The wind must change direction to flow parallel to the sail.
  • The taut sail has created a force on the wind that causes it to change direction
  • This is a direction example of Newton's third law that says that there is an equal and opposite force on the sail by the wind
  • Sailboats can move faster than the wind itself
  • When sailing upwind, the relative speed of the wind on the sails is greater than the actual speed of the wind and this relative wind creates a larger force on the sails that can push sailboats faster than the actual wind speed.

Sailing close to the wind
  • The shape of the sails is used to generate lift.
  • To flow around the sails, the winds direction must change.
  • The force is mainly sideways on the boat and it gets more sideways as you get closer to the wind.
  • Part of the force is forward which is the desired direction.

Other Forces
  • The large area of the keel resists being dragged sideways through water.
  • The water applies a force to the boat that increases with greater surface area.

  • "The Physics of Sailing: How Does a Sailboat Move Upwind?" Physics Buzz:. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2016.

Jared Blatt
Mr. Gray
Period G
21 October 2016

New crystal is found

A new crystal has been discovered and if studied correctly, it could be used to change the future of technology. For the first time, an experiment has directly imaged electron orbits in a high-magnetic field, illuminating an unusual collective behavior in electrons and suggesting new ways of manipulating the charged particles. It is known as a quantum crystal.

The study, conducted by researchers at Princeton University and the University of Texas-Austin was published Oct. 21, in the journal Science. The study demonstrates that the electrons, when kept at very low temperatures where their quantum behaviors emerge, can spontaneously begin to travel in identical elliptical paths on the surface of a crystal of bismuth, forming a quantum fluid state. This behavior was anticipated theoretically during the past two decades by researchers from Princeton and other universities.

Fundamental explorations of materials may provide the basis for faster and more efficient electronic technologies. Today's electronic devices, from computers to cellphones, use processors made from silicon. With silicon reaching its maximum capacity for information processing, researchers are looking to other materials and mechanisms.If we could learn more about this new liquid, we could enhance the speed and quality of new technologies. 

Strange electron orbits form on the surface of a crystal in this image created using a theoretical data model. These orbits correspond to the electrons being in different 'valleys' of states, yielding new insights into an area of research called 'vallytronics,' which seeks alternative ways to manipulate electrons for future electronic applications. Credit: Ali Yazdani, Department of Physics, Princeton University

Friday, October 21, 2016

3D Wiring Technique Leads Closer to the Invention of the Scalable Quantum Computer

Eliza Mahoney
Physics .1 Per. G
21 October 2016
Blog Post #2

Researchers from the University of Waterloo have discovered a new wiring technique that can control superconducting quantum bits. This wiring technique brings these researchers much closer to the official discovery of the scalable quantum computer.

"The quantum socket is a wiring method that uses three-dimensional wires based on spring-loaded pins to address individual qubits," 

said Jeremy Be´janin, a PhD candidate from IQC and the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Waterloo 

Jeremy Be´janin and Thomas McConkey are the lead authors of this study published in the journal Physical Review Applied. A superconducting qubit is used in scalable quantum computing architecture. Quantum mechanics makes it possible to prepare the qubits in states 0 and 1 at the same time. The electronic circuits in a classic computer are in these states. To bring the qubit to the state of 0, superconducting qubits are brought down to temperatures close to -273 Celsius. To control and measure the superconducting qubits, the researchers use microwave pulses.

"All wire components in the quantum socket are specifically designed to operate at very low temperatures and perform well in the microwave range required to manipulate the qubits. We have been able to use it to control superconducting devices, which is one of the many critical steps necessary for the development of extensible quantum computing technologies." 

said Matteo Mariantoni, a faculty member at IQC and the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Waterloo